

I am an audio-visual artist. In my work music and visuals are one. I work with music and visuals at the same time.

What you see is what you hear and what you hear is what you see. I paint with sounds and make music with video. I think that is the most powerful way to tell a story and to have emotional impact. Audience participation often plays an important role in my work as well.

I perform as DVJ or with my SenSorSuit and/or Augmented Stage. I started in the 1980’s and since then have innovated in the field of video sampling, audio-visual effects, visual music, real-time motion graphics, live video sampling, skrtZz-ing,  WikiVideo and Interactive Tracks. My main project is the AV instrument I’m working on since 1995 with EboStudio.

Read more about my art here, check out a selection of compositions here or check out the projects below.



Because software to work with music and visuals at the same time doesn’t exist, I make it myself since 1995. 

The aim of my technical development is to create the ultimate audio-visual instrument. To work with visuals and music in one, unified creative process. Ideal for audio-visual artists like me. For this, I turn existing, professional music software into audio-visual software. This quest eventually led to EboSuite. EboSuite turns Ableton Live (popular music software) into an audio-visual instrument. 

EboSuite has a long history and is the result of many prototypes, like the 1995 video sampler, EboNaTor, SenSorSuit, Frame Drummer Pro, skrtZz pen, DVJ mixer, SenS I, SenS II, SenS III, SenS IV, Senna, SenSei, DVJ Mixer 3.0 and iTracks.

Read more about this journey here or check out the projects below. 


My main project is my AV instrument. And since 2017 it is available for download! EboSuite is a set of plug-ins that turns Ableton Live into an audio-visual instrument. With EboSuite you can create, play, mix and manipulate visuals in the same way as you are used to with audio. EboSuite enables musicians/artists to produce their own video clips, audio-visual performances and innovate in the field of visual music. 


I produce my projects together with the EboStudio team. Very talented, experienced and skilled technicians and designers. I am very fortunate that I can work with them. And you can too. Need help for an audio-visual project or concept? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

My story in 100 projects

I recorded my first compositions in 1985 and started developing my own audio-visual instruments in 1995. I selected 100 projects that tell this story. Below you can read about these projects, listen/watch the compositions and see the technology I used and developed for these projects. From cassette tape to EboSuite.

Augmented SenSorSuit

april 5, 2024

Hold Your Horses

juni 16, 2023

DVJ 5.0 – Fun & Bass

oktober 25, 2022

EboSuite 2.0

april 5, 2022

De avondshow met Arjen Lubach

februari 6, 2022

Lone Wolf

oktober 1, 2021

AMAZE Mirror room

september 1, 2021


mei 15, 2021

EboSuite tracks

juni 1, 2020

EboSuite 1.5

april 1, 2019

Disguise plug-ins

oktober 20, 2018


oktober 1, 2018


oktober 15, 2017

Haai aLarm

mei 1, 2017

Steppenwolf – Augmented Stage show

februari 1, 2017

After movie installation

augustus 1, 2016

Real-time Interactive Tracks

oktober 1, 2015


januari 1, 2015

Interactive Tracks

juni 1, 2014

ASML – Augmented Stage show

mei 1, 2014

DVJ Mixer 3.0

augustus 1, 2013

Interactive Narrow Casting

augustus 1, 2012

Augmented Stage

december 1, 2011


november 1, 2011


april 1, 2011


maart 1, 2011

Eboman website 3.0

maart 1, 2011


februari 1, 2011

Senna – AV instrument for children

oktober 1, 2010

Online video sampler

februari 1, 2010


januari 1, 2010

Celluloid remix

juni 1, 2009

SenS IV tracks

maart 1, 2009

Real-time motion graphics

oktober 1, 2008

Conference show control

mei 1, 2008

Fashion Show Design

januari 15, 2008

A track in a day

december 10, 2007

Happy CarCrashing

december 1, 2007

Doc vs Doc

november 10, 2007

Live video sampling shows

oktober 1, 2007


september 1, 2007

¡Viva la Creaçion!

augustus 1, 2007

Eboman website 2.0

juli 1, 2007


augustus 1, 2006

SenS III tracks

juli 1, 2006

Audio-visual effects and Visual Music

juni 1, 2006


maart 10, 2006


januari 1, 2006


december 1, 2005


mei 15, 2005


mei 15, 2005


januari 1, 2005

Birgit remixes

november 1, 2004

Group composition

oktober 15, 2004

Gedoe of Gedaan

september 1, 2004

SenS I

september 1, 2004

SenSorSuit 2.0

augustus 1, 2004

LLib LLik

juni 1, 2004

juni 1, 2004


mei 1, 2004

AGT – Generated tracks

mei 1, 2004

DVJ 3.0

december 1, 2003

Rock ya body rock video clip

oktober 1, 2003

Phonetic MC

september 1, 2003

skrtZz pen

mei 1, 2003

Interface Band

mei 1, 2003

Frame Drummer Pro

april 1, 2003

DVJ mixer

februari 15, 2003

Adventures in basS

september 1, 2002

Eboman website 1.0

juli 1, 2002

DVJ 2.0

mei 1, 2002

Bløf video clips en design

februari 1, 2002

J-Pop remixes

juli 1, 2001


maart 1, 2001

Digital skrtZz worLd champion

november 1, 2000

Violent entertainment

november 1, 2000

DVJ 1.0

juni 1, 2000

Doe Maar

mei 10, 2000


mei 1, 2000


januari 1, 2000

Chaos Funk

december 1, 1999

SenSorSuit 1.0

oktober 1, 1999


augustus 1, 1999

d Driver must be a MAdMaN

juni 15, 1999

Trap to skiLL you

september 1, 1998

september 1, 1998

d Story of GarbiTch

augustus 1, 1998


oktober 1, 1997

Fort Ebo goLd

augustus 20, 1997


augustus 1, 1997

Hardcore madnesS

oktober 1, 1996

Chris Cunningham interview

augustus 20, 1996

Sample madband

augustus 1, 1996

From the EboStation

juli 1, 1996

Video Sampler

december 1, 1995


mei 1, 1995


januari 1, 1995

Runn into jaZz … and more

september 1, 1993

Mo’ TV

juni 1, 1993


november 1, 1992

In d mode

augustus 1, 1992

Dos Amigas

juni 1, 1992


juni 1, 1991


april 1, 1990


januari 1, 1990

AV demo’s

november 1, 1989

Tracker music

september 1, 1989


augustus 1, 1988

Tragic eRRoR

mei 1, 1988

My first sampler

augustus 1, 1987

Year mix

juni 1, 1987

Tape remixes

september 1, 1985


januari 1, 1985


Information about Eboman & bookings: Outliner Management:

Information about EboSuite:

Information about EboStudio: