From 2007 to 2010, I used SenS IV for many projects. On this page you’ll find some tracks made with SenS IV.
SenS IV turns Logic Pro (music software) into an audio-visual instrument, so you can work with sounds and visuals at the same time. You make music and visuals in one unified creative process. This not only changes the way an audio-visual composition is made, but also how these compositions sound and look. You can work with visuals in a musical way. It is easier to make complex audio-visual musical edits, visualise music, work with audio-visual effects and mix videos in sync with the audio arrangement.

I used SenS IV for many projects and performances. The videos below show some examples. This a description of the first nine videos. 1) A track I made in one day in the radio studio of Giel Beelen, I then did a live performances with that track, 2) a track I made for Nike, 3) a track with my niece and nephew. 4) a track for the Effie Awards, 5) a track for a car insurance company, 6) an experimental track, 7) a track to promote our online video sampler, 8) a track for the Celluloid remix competition, 9) a segment of a live performance of this track with the SenSorSuit.
In 2009, sport brand Nike invited me to remix their V is for Victory campaign. I produced an audio-visual track with video recordings from the photoshoot. They sent me many videos recordings of the photoshoot, but without sound. Before I created the final track, I created some experimental tracks using new audio-visual effects and visualisation concepts.
U.S. elections experiment
In 2008 I worked on a interactive video composition about the U.S. elections. Audio-visual tracks about the presidential debates where supposed to link together with YouTube annotations (YouTube dropped this feature in 2019). I didn’t finish this experiment. These short tracks are a result of this experiment.
3D video mix and real-time motion graphics
I used SenS IV’s and SenSei’s 3D video mix and real time motion graphics software for many projects. The videos below are compilations of a selection of these projects.
¡Viva la Creaçion!
In 2007 I did the ¡Viva la Creaçion! project. I created 9 audio-visual tracks with the general public through internet. Every day a new track. In 2008 I won a Webby Award for this project. The videos below show the promotion video for the project, a compilation of the nine tracks (check the project page to watch all compositions) and two live performances of the promotion track with the SenSorSuit and the video drumkit. All created with SenS IV.
For 55DSL I created a DVJ set for a fashion show. With SenS IV I mixed the visuals and camera streams live.
Conference show control
I used SenS IV to introduce the speakers at the PICNIC and Ambassadors of Innovation conferences. I mixed visuals, a virtual host and camera feeds live. Below are six examples.