In January 2008, fasion brand 55DSL invited me to design the visuals and music for the presentation of their new summer collection. For this, I created a special DVJ set with my SenS IV software. SenS IV is a great tool for show design and show control, thanks to its video mix and real-time motion graphics software. Three live camera streams were mixed with the videos, music and graphics live. MC Willie Wartaal hosted the show. I produced a funny track with Willie using video samples I recorded with him in Amsterdam (see forth video below).
The show
The show was played with Logic Pro (music software), controlling SenS IV live. This way I could time the show exactly with the models walking on the catwalk. When they took a bit more time I looped a part of the show or extended a break until it was in sync with the models again.
The videos below show this performance, splitted in four parts. The videos on the right show the performance, the videos on the left show how Logic Pro and SenS IV were used.
This project is produced with my audio-visual instrument SenS IV. To fund the development of SenS IV (and now EboSuite) I produce interactive audio-visual projects and shows with EboStudio. Very talented, experienced and skilled technicians and designers. I am very fortunate that I can work with them. And you can too. Need help for an audio-visual project or concept? Don’t hesitate to contact us.