In 2007 and 2008, I developed ‘SenS IV’ together with the EboStudio team (then called SmadSteck). SenS IV turns Logic Pro (popular music production software) into an audio-visual instrument. The aim of my technical development is to create the ultimate audio-visual instrument. To make it possible to work with visuals and music at the same time, in one unified creative process. Ideal for audio-visual artists like me. SenS IV is the successor of SenS III and the predecessor of SenSei.
SenS IV consists of a set of ‘VST’ plug-ins for Logic Pro that control the SenS IV application (written in Max) and many editors to edit different aspects of a SenS IV project.
I wrote extensively about SenS III and SenSei. Most concepts of SenS IV are similar to these applications, so please check those project pages to get a better understanding of SenS IV. I will create an extensive project page for SenS IV in the future as well.

From 2007 to 2010, I used SenS IV for many projects. I selected many compositions made with SenS IV on this page.
History of SenS IV
SenS IV has a long history, starting in the 1980’s and is the result of many experiments and prototypes, like the 1995 video sampler, EboNaTor, SenSorSuit, Frame Drummer Pro, skrtZz pen, DVJ mixer, SenS I, SenS II, and SenS III.
SenS IV was followed up by Senna, SenSei, Interactive Tracks, DVJ Mixer 3.0 and EboSuite.
The main purpose of starting EboStudio and the SenS project was to create the ideal audio-visual instrument, and to make that instrument available for everybody. This eventually led to the release of EboSuite in 2017.
Produced and developed by Eboman and SmadSteck
- Bas van der Graaff
- Jeroen Hofs
- Mattijs Kneppers
- Timo Rozendal
- Nenad Popov