I developed my first DVJ mixer for my DVJ shows in 2003. Since the introduction of Max for Live in 2009, it made much more sense to play and mix videos with Ableton Live. So, I created a new DVJ mixer with EboStudio, based on SenSei in 2013. This software is very similar to EboSuite (see the eClips, eCrossfade, eOutput plug-ins).
The DVJ Mixer 3.0 consists of two plug-ins for Ableton Live. When a plug-in is added to an Ableton Live project the video mixer application automatically launches in the background. The application runs in a separate instance from Ableton Live to maximise performance and reliability. Like SenSei and EboSuite, controlling the application happens with the plug-ins in Ableton Live, but all visual processing happens outside Ableton Live. The DVJ Mixer 3.0 has no external editors (like SenSei), everything is controlled from Ableton Live (like EboSuite).

Plug-in overview
The SimpleVideoPlayerDevice plug-in adds video playback to Ableton Live’s Session View. Adding this plug-in to an Audio Track makes it possible to play video clips (with sound of course) on Audio Tracks and edit them in the same way as sound clips (like EboSuite’s eClips plug-in).
The sound volume fader controls the video fade in/out, to mix videos on different tracks. Realtime time stretching (‘Warping’) and looping is supported as well.

The SimpleVideoPlayerRenderer plug-in is used to add visual crossfade effects (like EboSuite’s eCrossfade plug-in) and to control the video output window (like EboSuite’s eOutput plug-in).

History of DVJ Mixer 3.0
The DVJ mIXer 3.0 has a long history, starting in the 1980’s and is the result of many experiments and prototypes, like the 1995 video sampler, EboNaTor, SenSorSuit, Frame Drummer Pro, skrtZz pen, DVJ mixer, SenS I, II, III, IV and SenSei. The DVJ Mixer 3.0 was succeseeded by EboSuite in 2017.
Produced and developed by Eboman and EboStudio
- Bas van der Graaff
- Jeroen Hofs
- Timo Rozendal
- Nenad Popov