dDriVer must be a MAdMaN is a video sample movie I produced in 1999. It is a three screen experience with a light choreography performed live, partly with the SenSorSuit. An action-packed psychological adventure thriller, full of romantic comedy, slapstick and special effects.
dDriVer must be a MAdMaN was projected on three screens, using three computers, synchronised with my EboNaTor software. The movie was sliced into short fragments that I triggered live.
In this project I tried to construct a sensible storyline with video samples from different movies. I made a deal with the local cult video store, so I could rent as many movies per month I needed for a fixed amount. This project was also an artistic research project to try out different artistic concepts.
Most scenes are produced with Logic Audio (music software) and Arkaos XPose linked to Digidesign Sample ceLL. This way I created an audio-visual sampler, similar to the 1995 video sampler. This made it easy for me to improvise and work in a musical way (as opposed to working with a traditional video editor).
This allowed me to experiment with complex, musical visual rhythms, edits, melodies and skrtZes in real time, live. At this time I was interested in the Chaos Funk concept, so that influenced the musical timing of this project as well.

I used the SenSorSuit and Image/ine to create even wilder and organic skrtZz/rhythm patterns for the Jetski scene. The audio-visual effects were done with After Effects and Hyperprism. Maurice van Brummelen helped me with the visual effects. In the last scene, me and Maurice did a video battle using the EboNaTor, shooting at each other.

The movie
The movie tells the story of a man trying to get where he belongs. Unfortunately a violent encounter with visitors from midieval times interrupts his journey. Fleeding from the violent attack he gets stuck in an urban maze. Apparently the only way to escape this madnesS is through the sky. But this moment of relief is short lived and he is abruptly drown back into his troubling reality. He is overtaken by a violent mob that puts him away, deep under ground.
These sinister surroundings make him to almost go crazy, but just in time he finds a way out: the tunnels. A hectic journey through a maze of tunnels follows. The tunnels seem endless, but just when he is about to loose himself he manages to reach the end and finally is outside, alone. very alone. In a dessert. He hallucinates. He decides to travel into a hallucination. A delirious elevator takes him far away. All the way… home! Was it a dream? Was it real? While asking himself these questons he is rudely awakened by a robotic home wrecker. Will he defeat this last challenger and find his peace? Watch the movie to find out!
Watch the entire movie below or watch the individual scenes and read about them further down this page.
Theme song
This is the official dDriVer must be a MAdMaN theme song.
Scene 01 – RiddR BattL
In the first scene we see our hero on his way in his car, while a violent midieval mob is gathering and fighting for his attention.
This scene is produced with Logic Audio and the video sampler set-up: XPose and Sample ceLL.
Scene 02 – Squeak
In the second scene the inevitable happens: our hero is confronted with this midieval gang.
This scene is produced with Logic Audio and the video sampler set-up and After Effects.
Scene 03 – RiddR versus Auto intro
In the third scene this encounter quickly escalates into an audio-visual choreography of violence (parental guidance advised).
This scene is produced with Adobe After Effects and Hyperprism.
Scene 04 – RiddR versus Auto
In the forth scene matters get worse. Due to mechanical failure our hero is not able to escape his attackers and has to endure more of this violent madnesS.
This scene is produced with Logic Audio and the video sampler set-up and After Effects and Hyperprism.
Scene 05 – AWV
The fifth scene shows how our hero manages to escape! But soon gets stuck into an urban maze.
This scene is produced with Adobe After Effects.
Scene 06 – Radio
In the sixth scene our hero turns on the radio for some relaxing sounds, and finds his favorite artist. Eboman does a relaxing skrtZz solo with his SenSorSuit on funky beats.
This scene is produced with the SenSorSuit and Image/ine.
Scene 07 – Jetski
In the seventh scene our hero finds his way to freedom through the sky. But even there he is not left alone. An intense cat and mouse game follows.
The first part of this scene is produced with the SenSorSuit and Image/ine. The second part with Logic Audio and the video sampler set-up.
Scene 08 – Captured
In the eighth scene our hero is forced to put his feet back on the ground and face reality. A violent mob overtakes him and takes him under ground.
This scene is produced with Logic Audio and the video sampler set-up.
Scene 09 – Despair
The nineth scene shows the innerworld of a desparate man. Our hero is stuck and this makes him go crazy. But just in time he manages to save himself and escape.
This scene is produced with Logic Audio and the video sampler set-up.
Scene 10 – Escape
In the tenth scene our hero outsmarts everybody and finally leaves his attackers clueless behind when he reaches… the tunnels.
This scene is produced with Logic Audio and the video sampler set-up and After Effects.
Scene 11 – Underwater
In the eleventh scene our hero floats to the entrance of the tunnels. Floating on liquid audio-visual effects, he enters the tunnels.
This scene is produced with Adobe After Effects.
Scene 12 – d TunnLZz
The twelfth scene shows that you should never cheer too soon. The tunnels are a new challenge. Our hero gets lost in hectic audio-visual edits. Acid skrtZz solos captivate his mind. But a miracle happens: our hero reaches the end and finally enjoys the visual beauty of a sunrise in the desert.
This scene is produced with Logic Audio and the video sampler set-up. It is based on the skrtZz technique mainly.
Scene 13 – Outside
The thirdteenth scene is a hallucinating experience in the desert. Our hero steps into an elevator to join this wondrous world.
This scene is produced with Logic Audio and the video sampler set-up and After Effects.
Scene 14 – Assemble
The forteenth scene shows the events taking place outside the elevator. While our hero is travelling to his unknown destination a mysterious machine is being build to ‘welcome’ him there.
This scene is produced with Logic Audio and the video sampler set-up.
Scene 15 – Robo MetL BatL
The fifteenth scene takes us to the climax of dDriVer must be a MAdMaN. After an unexpected series of events a surprising plot twist happens. The mysterious end destination of the elevator appears to be our hero’s home! But before fully realising his adventure might be over, he is confronted with the next challenge. A robotic machine from the underworld welcomes him and all hell breaks loose.
This scene is produced with Adobe Premiere.
Scene 16 – Final battL
Maurice and me decided to help our hero in the sixteenth scene and fight his battle for him. An exciting battle to the death follows. Who will win?
This scene is produced with the EboNaTor.