For the popular Dutch TV show De Avondshow met Arjen Lubach, EboStudio developed specialized video software enabling the host, Arjen Lubach, to trigger and manipulate video clips in real-time. To seamlessly integrate these visuals into the live broadcast, we created software capable of sending video with alpha channel using Black Magic equipment.

To enable Arjen to trigger, record, mix and manipulate video live, we customized plug-ins from our video plug-in suite for Ableton Live, EboSuite.
With EboSuite it is easy to record video live and use it immediately for a live performance. For Arjen we made this functionality work seamlessly in sync with Ableton Live’s Looper plug-in.

We created software to send Arjen’s video output with alpha over a network to the Blackmagic video converters. This ensures that the visuals Arjen creates can be seamlessly integrated into the live broadcast with ease.